The United States government has changed a lot since the framers created it less than 300 years ago. The United States grew a lot since then, 13 states to 50 states plus a few territories. Most things remain the same: U.S. Constitution grants citizens unalienable rights, Checks and balance system.
We have grown a lot since the birth of the United States. The growth of technology allows us to gauge how our government and political leaders are doing by online and offline polls and surveys. Technology also allows us to quickly and effectively hold polls. We created amendments to protect citizen's civil rights and their right to vote. The Internet, computers, televisions also help to inform citizens of what is going on in the government and our representatives.
Our population has changed a lot since then. We have a more diverse population and to go along with it many issues. To compensate we have many diverse people involved in our government. There are female political leaders, Minority congressmen. Even our president is half black and half white. The voting population also includes a younger generation. Also more middle class people are involved with the help of interest groups.
There are many issues that were not a problem back then. Today we have issues with gay marriage or partnership, abortion. Also, we have similar issues such as taxes and war.
The United States government still relay on the checks and balance system. We have a three part system: Executive, Legislative, Judicial. The Legislative Branch includes the Congress and the House of Representatives. There were a few times the system kept each branch in check. Nixon would have been impeach for the Watergate scandal. Also, Bill Clinton and his scandal with Monica Lewinski.
I believe our government is in good shape and is slowly changing to a better government. A government that can better represent a population as diverse as ours. Eventually everyone will be represented, including the poor population. With technology changing the way we conduct political business.
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